!--Welcome-UnderConstuction-Page-Starts--> Succotash: Long overdo Hello


Monday, January 21, 2013

Long overdo Hello

Well i must say it has been AWHILE. Me of course being in my early 20's have now gone through the grand responsibilities of having my own place.
That right!
All me!
Goin for the gold!
Chicka chicka yeah!
broke as a joke. I have never been this broke. I mean honestly having a paycheck leave your hand after a couple of hours of having it and only having its memories...it hurts my soul.
But it certainly brightens up my day when I can come home and turn on the lights or make a cup of coffee in the morning. So i guess my money goes to soooommmmeeeee good. Also, I feel my daughter and I would have to exchange some words if she woke up in the morning and turned on the t.v for Dora and nothing happened. Dooms day.

But this last paycheck I was able to actually get Cable and Internet! Thats right movin on up!

It feels nice to finally have a place to put all my Pinterest ideas into affect. Craiglist ,Goodwill, thrift stores, and random donations were definitely used and also the reason why I dont look like im squatting. I got this couch:

From some friends (Shout out to Nicky and Matt!) and when i say it is crazy comfortable...have you ever sat in a piece of furniture and you just felt yourself sinking. It was eating you yet you didn't care. You were like those bugs that go into the light only to get zapped. You just saw the bug in front of your get killed why do you go?? Because it feels so good to stare... Well this couch sucks you into its crevases with a soothing lullaby that slowly drifts you off to sleep, and when you wake up you have lost.....ALL.OF.YOUR.DAY!

Its a conspiracy...or maybe a good piece of furniture I don't know but I will say...it was so comfortable that I slept on it and it was wet from the rain outside

Which makes me know it a keeper!....with a few tweaks!

As you can tell the couch is ugly. I think my friends got it off Craigslist for free and the woman had cats...or a  cat but i REFUSE to believe one cat did this damage...and if it did that was one mad cat. Also the couch is green. I do  not like green. Yellow green is exceptable on special occasions but the only forest green I ever liked was the crayon color in the crayola box and even then I just wanted to color, I didnt care which color I had. Nicky and I were thinking the same thing so for now im just going to get a cotton cover,but this is only beginning! I want to fully upholster it and then who knows...
Maybe ill bedazzle it.


I also go this beautiful wooden coffee table from Goodwill for only 35 dollars!

 Its nice, it was cheap, its a beautiful honey brown, it was cheap...The tv thats resting on it(and awkwardly in front of my fireplace...i dont care..I dont chop wood..) I got FOR FREE! Okay...we all know the trials and tribulations craigslist have given us in the past. The fake job posts, the fake house listings, the questionable areas they want you to meet them at, but its a free site,and free anything will eventually draw weirdos and perverts. They don't wanna pay for their smut. So with anything that open, I say proceed with caution. Which is what I did. I needed a tv for the living room so the Comcast guy could hook up the cable(which now doesn't work...COMCAST YOU ARE AWESOME!...no..no your not). With of course me being broke, I didn't have the option of going and getting one so I followed advice from fellow craigslist adventure seekers to look  at the free section. Well low and behold there was a free 25 inch Sony t.v in Suwanee and it was free to whoever picked it up. Since I actually had the gas I called and told the guy I was on my way. I of course didn't go alone. Hell, I wouldn't have went to the nieghboring  apartment complex alone so I brought my best friend David as my bodyguard. The t.v works great which I wasn't expecting so another great find! I finally have the beginning stages of a living room!

Now to one day work on the Dining room section.

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